What Are the Causes of Hyperacusis?

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A lot of people experience sensitivity to loud sounds, but having the true form of hyperacusis is relatively uncommon and rare. In fact, only one out of every 50,000 people will ever contract this condition. It can affect one ear or both of them at the same time, and there is no specific age group that is any more susceptible than another. Someone who is not born with the condition will end up developing a narrow field of tolerance to sounds.

Other common triggers for developing hyperacusis are:
• Damage to the ear from medications and toxins
• Head injury
• Lyme disease
• Deployment of an air bag
• Temporomandibular joint syndrome
• Infections involving the facial nerves or the inner ear

There are numerous types of conditions that have been linked to hyperacusis, such as:
• PTSD – post-traumatic stress disorder
• Chronic fatigue syndrome
• Various forms of epilepsy
• Tay-Sach’s disease
• Dependence upon Valium
• Depression
• Migraine headaches

Correlation to Tinnitus

Tinnitus and hyperacusis are strongly linked together. Ringing in the ears is known as tinnitus. It is estimated that 36 million Americans are suffering from tinnitus, while an estimated one out of every thousand people are dealing with hyperacusis. Many individuals have both of the conditions simultaneously. If you seem to be experiencing any of these symptoms contact your hearing healthcare provider.

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