Individuals are becoming self-dependent more than ever before. Want to fix up your car? You can learn how to do that by watching a YouTube video. Want to unclog your sink? Again with the YouTube. Want to learn how to do calligraphy? Yup…you guessed it…..YouTube. You can find any information you might want to know […]
It’s an amazing and wonderful experience, having a child. But in terms of how it can make you feel, it can be rather unpleasant, at least in some cases. There’s the morning sickness, the difference in your body, the health hazards, and all kinds of strange side effects. None of this takes away from the […]
When you’re a youngster, falling is just a part of life. Taking a spill on your bicycle? Not unusual. Tripping over your own feet when you’re running outside? Also fairly normal. Kids are very limber so, no big deal. They don’t typically stay down for very long. The same can’t be said as you age. […]
You asked for help with one simple task: take the trash out. But, regrettably, it never got done. When you ask why they didn’t do it, your partner replies “I never heard you ask me”. Crazy how that works, how your partner didn’t hear the one thing you asked them to do. This “selective hearing” […]
In the movies, invisibility is a powerful power. Whether it’s a mud-covered hero, a cloaked starship, or a sneaky ninja, invisibility allows characters in movies to be more effectual and, often, achieve the impossible. Invisible health problems, unfortunately, are just as potent and much less fun. As an example, tinnitus is an extremely common hearing […]
Let’s face it, there’s no escape from aging, and with it usually comes hearing loss. You can take some steps to look younger but you’re still getting older. But you might not know that numerous treatable health conditions have also been associated with hearing loss. Here’s a look at some examples, #2 might come as […]
When somebody mentions artificial intelligence (AI), it might conjure thoughts of your favorite sci-fi movie. But today, AI is a reality that we all better get accustomed to. With regard to hearing aids, this is especially true. The days when hearing aids merely increased the volume and were one-size-fits-all are gone for good. AI is […]
You’re not quite certain why, but you’ve been feeling cranky lately. Well, you did feel left out earlier today when no one bothered to pull you into the meeting discussion at the office and that was aggravating. The other night your daughter seemed frustrated with you when you asked her to turn the tv volume […]
Hearing loss is usually a gradual process, making it easy to overlook the subtle changes in your ability to hear sounds. Unlike children, who get regular hearing tests in school, adults rarely even consider scheduling an appointment. So why would your hearing be any less important than your eyesight? Here are 6 reasons to have […]
Have you ever left your Earbuds in your pocket and they ended up going through the laundry or maybe lost them altogether? All of a sudden, your morning jog is so much more boring. Your commute or bus ride is dreary and dull. And the sound quality of your virtual meetings suffers significantly. Often, you […]