The world around us can be a noisy place. And it only seems to be getting worse. This has helped to contribute to a growing problem of hearing loss. We’ll review some causes and how it is being dealt with. We hear through the interaction of many sensitive parts within our ear. Each one is […]
Many people suffer from some degree of hearing impairment in this country. And unfortunately there are some who are either unaware of this impairment or refuse to seek treatments or options to help. Hearing impairment is a loss of hearing. The degree of this loss can range quite a bit depending upon the cause and […]
The typical hearing response covers a broad range of frequencies. For a healthy young person, this is normally from 20 to 20,000 hertz. Our ability to discern these ranges helps us to hear low rumbling sounds and very highly pitched sounds. As we age, our ability to hear higher frequency sounds lessens. This is natural […]
When you need to choose a hearing aid that is right for you, it can seem like an impossible task because there are so many different styles available these days. One of the best styles that you need to be aware of that helps many people hear well again, while not alerting others to the […]
Having to learn how to cope with the fact that you need to use hearing aids in order to hear well can be very hard to do. There are many different things that you can do to help you learn how to cope with needing to use hearing devices. You just need to know what […]