Following a discussion in a crowded restaurant and listening to someone speaking in a hushed room are two completely different scenarios. The majority of digital hearing aids can adjust to different conditions like these by using a variety of “listening programs”. These listening programs give your hearing aid the flexibility to help you hear at […]
When you start shopping for hearing aids you will quickly encounter many distinct styles to choose from among them the receiver-in-canal (RIC). RIC devices are similar to the more common behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid, but they provide some advantages that BTE hearing aids cannot. This short article explores some of the main benefits and drawbacks […]
From a crowded restaurant to a busy sidewalk, you can encounter overwhelming amounts of noise almost anyplace. The problem becomes worse for people with hearing aids, which can make it nearly impossible to pick out wanted sounds from the surrounding noise. Thanks to digital noise reduction, however, many hearing aid wearers are able to block […]
With so many charities available to choose from, picking one may seem like a daunting task. You should consider where your money is going, how it is being used, and if the organization is trustworthy. Look for a large, well-known hearing health charity organization that is right for you, and join knowing you are helping […]
As you research hearing aids – either for a loved one or yourself – one of the more common alternatives you will come across is the in-the-ear (ITE) style. In-the-ear hearing aids are a popular choice for individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss. They are custom-made to fit comfortably in the lower portion of […]
One of the easiest things you can do to protect your ability to hear is to wear ear plugs. These small devices are inserted into the ear to block out disruptive or damaging sounds. Shopping for ear plugs can be confusing, as there are a large variety of styles available, but with patience and a […]
People with mild to moderate hearing problems are candidates for completely-in-canal (CIC) hearing aids – the smallest of the hearing aid styles available today. CIC hearing aids are different than other devices due to their size, custom fit and location in the ear canal. CIC hearing aids offer several pros for the wearer, as well […]
Feelings of vertigo, dizziness, and loss of balance are more prevalent than most people imagine; 42 percent of the American population (ninety million people) experience this at least once during their lifetime, and for many the situation becomes chronic. Dizziness is the number 1 reason that people over the age of 75 visit doctors, and […]
Many older people experience the persistent noises of tinnitus (ringing in the ears), however few individuals realize it strikes kids too. Many children also experience the symptoms of tinnitus. Unlike adults, who can usually figure out that the noises they keep hearing are outside of the norm, children are more likely to assume that everyone […]
Hearing aids are marvels of advanced technology, and they keep getting better. Each technological innovation offers more features in a more compact space. One such technology is the directional microphone. This device allows its users to have a more natural listening experience, making it a popular addition to many modern hearing aids.Older hearing aids relied […]