Cleaning your ears can be a very fulfilling experience if you have been feeling fullness inside of your ear canal. This leads many people to try removing ear wax on their own. While it may seem like a fairly straightforward process, it actually requires a fair amount of expertise to do without causing any damage. […]
Going to work every day is one of the most pleasant and satisfying parts of life. You get to interact with people on a personal level and find different ways to advance your profession. However, there are some difficulties and dangers that come along with working such as injuries. For example, one of the fastest […]
Going to the movies is one of the most fun activities that you can do with your friends. However, people with hearing problems are not able to enjoy the movies in the same way. However, closed captioning glasses provide a great way for people with hearing impairment to enjoy the movies. In this article we […]
Most people will be aware of seeing-eye sigs and the variety of benefits that they offer for their owners. Based off of this concept, hearing dogs have risen into prominence as the next service animal. They provide people with hearing loss the ability to navigate their lives with some greater degree of freedom than they […]
While some people understood that there are bonds between your hearing health and your total health, the significance of this idea is often downplayed. After all, damage that occurs in your heart can easily affect the way that you hear. Most of this damage can occur as the result of unhealthy habits that pervade your […]
It’s no secret that humans lose their capacity for hearing the older they get. However, a recent study has come out that shows conclusively the strong link between hearing loss and brain atrophy, which is essentially shrinkage of the brain. Protecting your hearing as you get older is a top way to guard against this […]
In the pharmacological community there is an omnipresent curiosity about the long-term effects of medicines. In recent years, there has been an increased emphasis upon revealing how consistent usage of medicine affects the hearing of individuals. The term for this form of hearing loss induced by prescriptions is called ototoxicity, a condition that was recently […]
People who suffer from deafness and other hearing problems are becoming limited in fewer ways than ever before. Where there was once a certain level of difficulty in finding vacations spots for people with hearing problems, more destinations are becoming accessible all the time. This is due to the fact that travel guides are hosting […]
In the ongoing search to provide a better quality of hearing for people who are deaf or communication impaired, bone conduction hearing aid technology appears to be another viable option. Far from being considered the novelty that it once was, scientists now believe that this form of hearing aid could bring about a means to […]
Hearing loss is more common than many people believe. According to the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders, about 36 million adults in America suffer from some form of hearing loss. While loss of hearing may seem to be a natural part of aging, not all loss is natural. Tinnitus can be caused […]