There is a greater glimmer of hope for people who suffer from irreparable hearing loss, and it is called the electric cochlear implant. These devices have the ability to skip the damaged parts of the ear and stimulate hearing to occur directly within the brain of the individual that is using the device. Since this […]
Thank goodness for technology! For less than 20 years, digital hearing aids have been offered to the hearing impaired community. The best part is, they came with the added ability to be programmed according to user preference and specific degrees of hearing loss. Analog hearing aids came directly before digital hearing aids. It’s been about […]
While you’ve probably seen and even used plain old earplugs before, you may never have heard of state of the art digital ear plugs, which offer even more of an advantage because they can determine which sounds to pick up on and which ones to block out. These devices are becoming quite adept at helping […]
Conclusive connections run rampant in recent studies involving diabetes and hearing damage. Researchers just completed some studies of 20,000 people from the United States, Asia, Brazil and Australia to determine whether diabetes and hearing loss are intertwined. The answer is yes but researchers still don’t know why this is true. Individuals who are diabetic have […]
Hearing loops, the latest form of technology for those with hearing impairments, is based on many years of tireless research. Propelled a long way since the days of the hearing trumpet, these amazing advances in technology allow for the filtration of background noises and frequencies, such as in a crowded meeting or in a public […]
Hearing is one of the most crucial parts of your life. Whether it is taking instructions for an order or listening to a conversation with your significant other, hearing influences are perceptions of the world. However, not everyone is able to have proper hearing levels, which has given rise to hearing aid devices. These hearing […]
The face of professional hearing services is rapidly changing to meet the desires of people to have fast and efficient healthcare. While it is nice to be able to get your hearing examined while you are buying frozen foods, there is something nefarious about ignoring the professional care options that are available from Hearing Instrument […]
You may know it by its more technical term, additive manufacturing, which means layer upon layer is added to a prototype rather than taken away with tools like lathes. This is crucial to the $2 billion a year hearing aid industry that is expected to grow three percent by 2016. This would have been impossible […]
Doing more for your hearing health is one of best ideas that you can have at a young age. It is important to understand the different impacts that the world around you can have on your hearing, both positive and negative. Recently, people have started to find that there is a strong relationship between the […]
There is yet another danger in the world of issues related to hearing loss. While brain damage is certainly one of the most terrifying, a strong second contender has emerged in the form of depression. A recent study has revealed that people who suffer from hearing loss are much more likely to have depression than […]