Your last family get-together was disheartening. It wasn’t because of family drama (this time). No, the cause of the frustration was simple: it was noisy, and you couldn’t hear a thing. So you didn’t get the chance to ask about Dave’s new kitten or Sally’s new job. And that was really irritating. You try to […]
You’ve been waiting for this day for quite a while. You got your new hearing aids. You’re so thrilled to be able to dive into your social life again. Now, you won’t be missing elements of conversations or going through awkward transitions. But there’s a problem: everything sounds just a little off. The reason for […]
You enjoy swimming and are all about being in the water. The pool is like your second home (when you were a kid, everybody said you were part fish–that’s how regularly you wanted to go swimming). Today, the water seems a little… louder… than normal. And that’s when you realize you may have made a […]
Your ability to hear is precious – once you lose it, the likelihood of getting it back in its natural form is slim to nil. But somehow, hearing loss tends to go untreated and unchecked in the general population. In the US alone, one in eight people over the age of 12 suffer from neglected […]
Intimacy isn’t usually the first thing that comes to mind when you think about hearing aids. We get it. These little devices are usually advertised in very concrete terms. Less defined expressions like poetry, music, and art are more suited to the topic of love. And yet, the two are closely connected to the point […]
It’s commonly said that hearing loss is a gradual process. That’s why it can be quite pernicious. Your hearing doesn’t deteriorate in giant leaps but rather in little steps. And that can make the gradual decline in your hearing difficult to keep track of, particularly if you aren’t watching for it. That’s why recognizing the […]
One way your body delivers information to you is through pain response. It’s an effective strategy though not a really enjoyable one. When that megaphone you’re standing near gets too loud, the pain lets you know that severe ear damage is happening and you immediately (if you’re smart) cover your ears or remove yourself from […]
If you cut your leg, it heals. If you stub your toe, it might feel bruised and inflamed but the inflammation will subside, and you’ll feel better in a little while. Even a broken bone will heal if properly set. But if you lose your hearing what happens. Does the inner ear heal itself? Will […]
An estimated 50% of people 75 or older have some type of hearing loss and that’s why most people think of it as an issue for older people. But studies show that younger people are at risk for hearing loss – and, alarmingly, they’re losing their hearing despite the fact that it’s completely preventable. One […]
We all love a good bargain. But when it has to do with your health, be careful what you purchase and pay attention to the little details. The names “hearing aid” and “hearing amplifier” might seem similar but they are actually very different devices. And making the wrong choice could have significant implications for your […]