There are many well recognized causes of hearing loss, but few people realize the dangers that certain chemicals pose to their hearing. While there are numerous groups of people at risk, those in industries like textiles, petroleum, automotive, plastics, and metal fabrication have increased exposure. Being aware of what these hazardous chemicals are and what […]
Aiden loves music. While he’s out jogging, he’s listening to Pandora, while working it’s Spotify, and he has a playlist for all his activities: cardio, cooking, gaming, you name it. His headphones are pretty much always on, his life a fully soundtracked affair. But the very thing that Aiden loves, the loud, immersive music, might […]
You’re lying down in bed trying to sleep when you first hear the sound: Your ear has a whooshing or throbbing in it. The sound is beating in rhythm with your heartbeat. And once you notice that sound, you can’t tune it out. It keeps you up, which is not good because you need your […]
Because you’re so cool, you were in the front row for the entire rock concert last night. It’s fun, although it’s not good for your ears which will be ringing when you wake up the next morning. (That part’s not so fun.) But what happens if you can only hear out of one ear when […]
Congratulations! You’ve just become the proud owner of hearing aids – a great piece of modern tech. But new hearing aid owners will wish somebody had told them certain things, as with any new technology. Let’s go over nine typical mistakes new hearing aid owners make and how you can steer clear of them. 1. […]
Are you going mad with that tinnitus in your ears? Learn whether your tinnitus is inherited or what the cause may be. What is tinnitus? A ringing, buzzing, or droning in the ears with no external cause of the sound is a condition called tinnitus. The term tinnitus translates to “ringing like a bell.” How […]
There are many ways to feel more youthful. However, one approach to staying young that isn’t always mentioned is to protect your hearing. For years, improving and increasing your life has been linked to a good diet and exercise. It also helps counter heart disease, cancer, and promotes weight control. But good hearing is just […]
Summer has some activities that are just staples: Outdoor concerts, fireworks shows, state fairs, air shows, and NASCAR races (look, if you like watching cars go around in circles, nobody’s going to judge you). As more of these events return to something like normal, the crowds, and the noise levels, are growing. And that can […]
Hearing loss can be brought on by numerous things and is generally extremely frustrating. Although hearing loss is usually due to age or an injury, in some situations, hearing loss might be an indication of a more severe underlying medical issue. Look out for these hearing loss red flags There are varieties of red flags […]
Hearing aids are designed to help make up for your unique hearing loss condition. If your hearing aids are causing headaches or any other type of discomfort, whether you’ve been wearing them for years or you’re a new user, there’s a solution. If your hearing aid is adjusted properly it will meet your personal needs […]