Hearing loss can really impact the way you live, even when it’s mild. There will be a significant change in the way you connect with loved ones, friends, and coworkers. It can become a challenge to complete daily activities such as going shopping. But it doesn’t need to have this kind of negative impact on […]
Want to take all the fun out of your next family get-together? Start talking about dementia. The topic of dementia can be very scary and most individuals aren’t going to go out of their way to discuss it. Dementia, which is a degenerative cognitive condition, makes you lose a grip on reality, experience loss of […]
You walk into the kitchen to find a snack. Are you craving a salty treat… what about crackers? Potato chips sound good! There’s a leftover slice of cheesecake that would be delicious. Perhaps you should just opt for a banana on second thought. Of course, a banana is a much healthier option. Everything is interrelated […]
Every instance of hearing loss is unique Just because two individuals have the same hearing loss condition doesn’t mean they will have precisely the same experience. Every instance of hearing loss is different. While you might be able to relate to somebody else with hearing loss, bear in mind that your hearing loss will be […]
So, so many family celebrations. During the holiday seasons, it probably seems like you’re meeting (or re-meeting) a new long-lost uncle almost every weekend. The holiday season can be enjoyable (and also difficult) because of this. Normally, this kind of yearly catching up is something that’s easy to anticipate. You get to find out what […]
You get to your company’s annual holiday party and you’re instantly bombarded by noise. You can feel the beat of the music, the hum of shouted conversations, and the clattering of glasses. It makes you miserable. In such a noisy setting, you can’t hear a thing. The punch lines of jokes are getting lost, you […]
There are other symptoms of a cold that are less prevalent than the well known runny nose. One type of cold you don’t frequently hear about is the one that goes into one or more ears. While you may generally think of colds as harmless, here’s why this ear-related cold symptom shouldn’t ever be disregarded. […]
After months (maybe even years) of waiting, you’ve finally resolved to give us a call to see if you need hearing aids. Like many other people, you’ve been resisting this. But the difficulty of living life without being able to hear has finally become too hard to ignore. So it’s a little discouraging when you’re […]
It’s hard to comprehend but most individuals have gone over ten years without getting a hearing exam. One of those people is Harper. She reports to her doctor for her annual medical test and gets her teeth cleaned every six months. She even replaces her timing belt every 6000 miles. But she never remembers to […]
If you have a partner with neglected hearing loss, you know that getting their attention can be… a struggle. Their name is the first thing you try saying. “Greg”, you say, but you used a regular, indoor volume level, so you get nothing. You try saying Greg’s name a bit louder and still no reply. […]